Art@Site Nelson Carrilho Mama Baranka

Nelson Carrilho


Mama Baranka

Strong and warmhearted
This strong and decisive woman Mama Branka by Nelson Carrilho is made of earth, but it is cracked and broken. The woman is looking sad and holding her head slightly turned out of pity. This bronze structure seems to be made of slices of earth. The woman is having her hands nearby and this time this generous woman is not willing to hug. She is apparently full of sorrow and needs time to process this. This warmhearted woman shows how to fight against injustice. This is a good and important work.
By Theo,

Compared with other artworks
The artwork Quantum Cload by Anthony Gormley (London, temporary, picture 1, more information) once stood on a structure inside the Thames, with on the background the elements air and water. This artwork is a good starting point for a creative and meaningful artwork that makes use of the elements which are surrounding the artwork.

This person is incorporated into larger and smaller structures (Human Condition, Agenore Fabbri, Milan, picture 2, more information). It’s a pity for this man that the structures don’t seems to move and therefore this man seems quite lonely.

This statue La Demeure Humanine by Ossip Zadkine (Amsterdam, picture 3, more information) is of a wondrous beauty. The persons are connected with each other and their environment. The material is interesting. The artwork is in dialogue with other coeval works (by Brague, Picasso).

Apparent technical components prove to be enlargements of eyes, mouth, fingers, shoes. The title is Le Dandy (Los Angeles, picture 4, more information). It seems that Jean Dubuffet wanted to expose vanity. It is not clear whether the work is intended as a deconstruction of the character of the person or that it’s making a joke on the person.

This artwork structure Molecule Man by Jonathan Borofsky (Berlin, picture 5, more information) is optimistic and is an ode to modern mankind. The persons make close contact with each other, they are standing strong and start to move, they are having fun.
By Theo,
Rond de voet van het beeld staat:
Laat Amsterdam, eens bolwerk van verdraagzaamheid, de Toorts van Tolerantie verder dragen omdat zijn huidskleur men niet kon verdragen viel hier een mensen kind uit onverdraagzaamheid!?
Toen Nelson Carrilho een opdracht kreeg een beeld te maken ter nagedachtenis van de vermoorde Kerwin, werd gedacht dat hij een evenbeeld van de vermoorde Antilliaan zou maken. Maar Nelson koos ervoor Moeder Rots te verbeelden."Moeder Rots is een symbool van kracht en onverzettelijkheid. Een sterke vrouw op de Antillen noemen wij Mama baranka (baranka = rots). Je beeldt daarmee de kracht van zwarte vrouwen uit. Moeder Rots is vergelijkbaar met de godin Moeder Aarde in andere culturen, maar omdat Curaçao nu eenmaal uit rots bestaat, is het daar Moeder Rots geworden."
Waarom moeten wij nog steeds over Kerwin praten?
Vaak vragen jongeren aan ons - waarom altijd Kerwin?"Mijn neef is ook doodgestoken, maar niemand gaat voor hem op straat".
In 1983 heerste in Nederland nog het idee 'Nederlanders zijn zeer tolerant' en dachten veel mensen dat racisme hier gewoon niet bestond. Toen Kerwin vermoord was, was het een enorme schok voor iedereen in Nederland. Niet alleen was het een moord op een kind door een ander kind, maar de moord had ook zeer duidelijk alleen maar met Kerwin's huidskleur te maken.
In de ogen van de Nederlandse maatschappij was dit de eerste racistische moord sinds het eind van de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
Wij gaan door met de herdenking van Kerwin. Een herinnering aan de realiteit dat discriminatie en racisme ook in Nederland het leven van mensen beschadigen. Wij blijven daar nog steeds fel tegen strijden.

Around the base of the sculpture:
Let Amsterdam, once bastion of tolerance, further carry the torch of tolerance because his skin color could not bear one fell here a human child from intolerance!?
When Nelson Carrilho a was commissioned to make an image in memory of the murdered Kerwin, it was thought that he would make a image of the murdered Antillian. But Nelson chose to depict Mother Rock."Mother rock is a symbol of strength and intransigence. A strong woman on the Antilles we call Mama baranka (baranka = rock). You thus portrays the power of black women from. Mother rock is similar to the Goddess Mother Earth in other cultures, but because Curaçao now once out of rock, it is there Mother become Rock."
Why should we still talk about Kerwin?
Often ask young people to us-why always Kerwin?"My cousin is also stabbed to death, but no one is going for him on the street".In 1983, the idea still prevailed in
Netherlands ' Dutch people are very tolerant, "and many people thought that racism here just did not exist. When Kerwin was murdered, it was a huge shock to everyone in Netherlands. Not only was it a murder of a child by another child, but the killing also had very clear just to make Kerwin's with skin color.
In the eyes of the Dutch society was the first racist murder since the end of the second world war.
We go through with the commemoration of Kerwin. A reminder of the reality that discrimination and racism also damage people's lives in Netherlands. We remain there still vehemently against fighting.