More art that express ethnical values will merit Berlin

No statues refer explicit to an etnical group in the community of Berlin. In comparisson: in Los Angeles 28% of the artwork refer to a specific etnical group, mostly a minoriy-group. This artwork can refer to experiences or persons which express key-values of the social group.

More contemporary art will make Berlin even more beautiful

70 artworks (11%) are realized after 2000 en the newest art dates 2012. Not many works use modern techics like multimedia or other materials then natural stone or metal. By the way: this is also the case in New York (30% is contemporary) and in Los Angeles (25%).

Like in most great cities: critical and humorous art will merit Berlin

Only a few pieces of art explicitly comment on accepted values in the society. This is the case of most statues in the cultural centres of the world. One of the platforms in Berlin for critical art is Berlin Biennale.

Key-words of the projects in Berlin: ethnic, humor, explicit, contemporary a.o.

37 pieces of art are chosen from Amsterdam, London, New York, Paris, San Francisco and Tokyo.
If you like to sort more then one column in the folowing table: shift-klick the next ones.
Special feature Location Information Image
humorous Amsterdam Klick hier
critical San Francisco Klick hier
contemporary San Francisco Klick hier
critical San Francisco Klick hier
critical New York Klick hier
humorous San Francisco Klick hier
humorous Amsterdam Klick hier
local San Francisco Klick hier
critical New York Klick hier
contemporary San Francisco Klick hier
explicit Tokyo Klick hier
explicit London Klick hier
humorous London Klick hier
etnical New York Klick hier
humorous Amsterdam Klick hier
critical New York Klick hier
contemporary Paris Klick hier
critical San Francisco Klick hier
critical New York Klick hier
etnical San Francisco Klick hier
local Los Angeles Klick hier
contemporary San Francisco Klick hier
explicit Los Angeles Klick hier
explicit New York Klick hier
historical New York Klick hier
etnical New York Klick hier
critical London Klick hier
critical New York Klick hier
humorous San Francisco Klick hier
etnical New York Klick hier
contemporary Los Angeles Klick hier
contemporary New York Klick hier
local London Klick hier
contemporary New York Klick hier
contemporary New York Klick hier
local San Francisco Klick hier
humorous Amsterdam Klick hier

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