More explicit emotions

Besides humor (check the page Overview . Text) the art in The Hague has a lack of explicit emotions.

Bigger sizes would merit The Hague

Many artworks in The Hague are modest in size, expression of opinios and choice of material. In this sense The Hague could be inspired by the art in cities like Chicago, Milan, Paris and Shanghai (check their websites offered by ArtAtSite, see the page Details > ArtAtSite).

Creative forms

Another characteristic of the art in The Hague is ornamentallity. You can find many literal artwork. The use of creative forms, strange patterns and colors could merit The Hague.

Key-words of the projects in The Hague: explicit, big, creative, shapefull, emotional, surreal, absurd.

Six pieces of art are chosen from Chicago and Paris.
If you like to sort more then one column in the folowing table: shift-klick the next ones.

Special feature Description Location Information Image
creative This artwork makes you feel there is always storm and downpour coming ahead. Chicago Click here
revelatory The world can be dancing, ambiguous, upside down. Chicago Click here
humour Let's face it: violent can be big, near and concrete. Art can make fun about it. Paris Click here
explicit Why is it always complete silent about having secrets? Paris Click here
explicit Ipousteguy can make interesting ugly, dirty and underhands art. Paris Click here
humour Why is art in public space often colorless, static and serious? Paris Click here
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