Art@Site unkown Lion of Venice

unkown artist


Lion of Venice

Piazzetta San Marco
The Lion weighs approximately 3,000 kilograms. The book under its front paws is a later addition. The Lion, in its present form, is a composite of different pieces of bronze created at very different times, building upon ancient"core" components. It has undergone extensive restoration and repair work at various times.
Scholarship over the last 200 years variously attributed the provenance of the most ancient parts of the statue to Assyria, Sassania, Greco-Bactria, medieval Venice, and various other times and places. Scientific and art historical studies in the 1980s, however, led to the conclusion that it was created between the end of the 4th and the beginning of the 3rd centuries BC somewhere in the Hellenistic Greek or Oriental Greek world. The original bronze figure, taken as a whole, was likely significantly different from the Lion of today; and, predating Christianity, would not originally have had any association with Saint Mark.