unkown artist
Cai Yuanpei's statue
Beijing University
Beijing Heavy Smog; Peking University Statues 'Wear' Face Masks - Since February 20, the national meteorological center has for six days straight issued smog alert, and Beijing has already spent many days in the grey smog. With continuous smog in the 'rain' season, pedestrians on the road are about to be overwhelmed with sorrow. With such pollution, even the statues an sculptures in Peking University 'cannot take it anymore', one after another donning face masks.
Beijing Heavy Smog; Peking University Statues 'Wear' Face Masks - Since February 20, the national meteorological center has for six days straight issued smog alert, and Beijing has already spent many days in the grey smog. With continuous smog in the 'rain' season, pedestrians on the road are about to be overwhelmed with sorrow. With such pollution, even the statues an sculptures in Peking University 'cannot take it anymore', one after another donning face masks.