Art@Site Jean Michel Othoniel Le Kiosque des Noctambules Paris

Jean Michel Othoniel


Le Kiosque des Noctambules

Place Colette
Le Kiosque des Noctambules has a lot of signal red bulbs which sparkle in the sun. The aluminum balls form a irregular rhythm so they surprise us. There are also yellow and turquoise collored balls. This entrance to the metro is surrounded by trees which have in the summer leaves with a variety of green colors.
I wish there were many artworks like Le Kiosque des Noctambules by Jean-Michel Othoniel. Then, we would be more frequently faced with joy and creativity.
If we do something boring like in the subway, in the bus or in the grocery store, then our auto-pilot would get out of his strict routine and would creativity be triggered.
Even when we excel our creativity would be more inspired by the irregular structures and shimmering colors of an artwork like Le Kiosque des Noctambules van Jean-Michel Othoniel.
By Theo,

Bij Le Kiosque des Noctambules zien we veel signaalrode bollen die glinsteren in de zon. De aluminium ballen vormen een onregelmatig ritme waardoor ze ons verrassen. Er zijn ook strogele en turquoise gekleurde bollen. Deze entree van de metro wordt omringt door bomen die in de zomer bladeren hebben met diverse kleuren groen. Ik zou willen dat er legio kunstwerken waren zoals Le Kiosque des Noctambules van Jean-Michel Othoniel. Dan werden wij vaker geconfronteerd met vrolijkheid en creativiteit.
Als wij iets saais doen zoals bij de metro, de bushalte of de supermarkt, dan zou onze automatische piloot uit zijn vaste routine gehaald worden en zou onze creativiteit worden aangewakkerd.
Ook als wij excelleren zou onze creatiever nog meer gestimuleerd worden door de onverwachtse structuren en de glinsterende kleuren zien van een kunstwerk zoals Le Kiosque des Noctambules van Jean-Michel Othoniel.
Door Theo,
"Le Kiosque des Noctambules", whose conception began in 1996 at the Villa Medici in Rome, is a veritably fantastic object, since it allows our perception of the real and of our environment to be radically transformed, this work was designed to accomodate the flow of commuters at the Parisian subway Palais Royal - Mus e du Louvre, and it proved a breathing space or a place for time-out.
Symbolic of the artist's mastery of structures in Murano glass, this Parisian folly - a new canopy of heaven - displays two complementary domes, one for day and one for night. This commission for the RATP (the Paris city transport authority) gives a contemporary twist to the architectural history of the metropolitain initiated by Hector Guimard. Jean-Michel Othoniel set about making this dramatic and colourful contemporary representation using aluminium and glass. This could be translated as a homage and modern interpretation on Hector Guimard s original Art Nouveau design from 100 years earlier, of iron and glass.
"Le Kiosque des Noctambules", bouche de m tro insolite, r alisation rebours de l espace architectural, s appelait l origine "L Impertinente". D impertinence, cette uvre contemporaine du plasticien Jean-Michel Othoniel n en manque pas. Objet fantastique, cristallin, elle d tonne dans le cadre urbain g om trique qui lui est imparti et donne un air de f te l entr e de la station de m tro Palais Royal - Mus e du Louvre juste en face de la Com die Fran aise, depuis son inauguration le 30 octobre 2000.
"Le Kiosque des Noctambulesest une folie color e destin e accueillir le flux des passagers comme une pause enchant e dans l hyst rie de la ville. Cette cr ation apporte une touche baroque au d cor du Paris historique, touche insolite mise en exergue par l architecture classique de la Place Colette. The art installation and Metro entrance is named Le Kiosque des Noctambules: Kiosk of the night-walkers. If you find yourself in need of a rest during a night time stroll near this colourful metro entrance, a bench is incorporated into the back end. Twin cupolas crowning the entrance high overhead. Coloured hand blown Murano Glass from Venice dripping from the cupolas like coloured jewels.
Aluminium lacework, surrounding the stairs and the legs or posts made from a series of aluminium baubles reflecting the glass balls, and perhaps Hector Guimard s curvaceous posts.
Jean-Michel Othoniel (born 27 January 1964) is a French contemporary artist. He has worked in a variety of artistic media, including film, installation, photography and sculpture. In 2000 he designed a new entrance for the Palais Royal Mus e du Louvre station of the Paris M tro. In 2006 he showed necklaces of large beads, made by master glass-blowers in Murano, at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice; they were hung on the fa ade of the Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, which houses the collection.