Projects with an etnical theme
No statues are found that expresses an theme concerning an etnical (minority-) group, while this can be 9% in an other great citie. Many projects will focus on an important moment, a value or person of a etnical group.
More serious art
Like in all great cities there are a few sculpture with a serious message, but in Hong Kong this is only 11% in stead of 17% in general. Many statues have on unclear message (21%) or “just” reminiscent.
Less sculptures then in London
Only 90 sculptures are found while 193 sculpture in the public space are found in London (a city with an comparable size: circa 7 milion citizens).
Lack of information
It’s hard to find the details about the artist and the backgrounds of the artwork, just like it is in Beijing and Shanghai.
Key-words of the projects in city in Hong Kong: ethnical, serious, humourous, creative.
12 pieces of art are chosen from Berlin, Beijing, Milan, New York, Prague, San Francisco, Shanghai and Venice.
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