Art@Site Waltercio Caldas For Rio, Portuguese Rocks Rio de Janeiro

Waltercio Caldas


For Rio, Portuguese Rocks

Avenida Beira Mar
What can a city be predictable. Apartment buildings with a balcony here and there. Office buildings with large glass surfaces. Here a shop, there a square.
What is going on there? I see two columns with playful lines. I don’t know there function. They do make me think.
Is this a remain of an ancient temple? Are this flag poles under construction? Is agora build, in which philosophers walk like in early Greek times?
For a moment the predictability is broken and our mind is triggered to play.
By Theo,

Wat kan een stad voorspelbaar zijn. Appartementengebouwen met hier en daar een balkonnetje. Kantoorgebouwen met hun grote glasvlakken. Een winkeltje hier, een verkeersplein daar.
Wat gebeurt daar? Ik zie twee zuilen met speelse lijnen. Ik herken geen enkele functie. Zij zetten mij aan het denken.
Is dit een overblijfsel van een antieke tempel? Zijn dit vlaggenmasten in aanbouw? Wordt hier een agora gebouwd waarin filosofen lopen zoals in oude Griekse dagen?
Even is de voorspelbaarheid doorbroken en wordt onze geest getriggerd om te spelen.
Door Theo,
A escultura é formando duas peças. Uma faixa parte do chào, contava a obra, dando uma sensaçào do caminho percorrido.
Em 1996, por iniciativa da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura desenvolveu o Projeto Esculturas Urbanas com o intuito de implantar obras na Cidade. O local escolhido inicialmente para instalar a escultura foi a Rua da Cande. A peça levou em consideraçào um dos traços mais caracterà­stico da via pública no Rio, a pedra portuguesa, que ele colocou em situaçào vertical, ao contrárico da horizontalidade costumeira. A peça recupera a sinuosidade dos desenhos das calçadas cariocas e é, assim uma homenagem a tradiçào urbanista da Cidade.
A colocaçào das pedras foi feita manualmente pelo artesào José de Lino.
The sculpture is forming two pieces. A strip part of the floor, told the work, giving a sense of the path traveled.
In 1996, at the initiative of the Municipal Secretary of Culture, he developed the U with the aim of implementing works in the City. The place initially chosen to install the sculpture was Rua da Cande. The piece took into account one of the most characteristic features of the public road in Rio, the Portuguese stone, which he placed in a vertical position, in contrast to the usual horizontality. The piece recovers the sinuosity of the drawings of the sidewalks in Rio and is, thus, a tribute to the urbanist tradition of the City.
The placement of the stones was done manually by the artisan José de Lino.
Waltércio Caldas Júnior (born 6 November 1946), also known as Waltércio Caldas, is a Brazilian sculptor, designer, and graphic artist. Caldas is best known as part of Brazil's Neo-Concretism movement as well as for his eclectic choices in materials.
In 1990, Caldas exhibited his first solo show in Europe, drawings at the Pulitzer Gallery in Amsterdam. Caldas then completed his second public commission sculpture, Omkring (Around), in 1994, which is nn permanent display in Leirfjord, Norway. The sculpture was classified as "line articulation" and commended for countering lightness with tension.