Rayuelarte is a playful and interactive intervention created by pop artist Marta Minujàn in order to honor renowned Argentine writer Julio Cortázar, who wrote a book entitled 'Rayuela.' Minujàn reimagines Cortázar's emblematic literary piece to bring to life an art piece that appeals directly to the participation of the public, for Rayuela is also a popular game played by children ''and some adults'' across the world.
Rayuelarte una creación de la artista multidireccional Marta Minujàn, en homenaje a los 51 aà±os de Rayuela, la célebre novela de Julio Cortázar, y al centenario del nacimiento del gran escritor.
Rayuelarte, fue un éxito en Buenos Aires, consiste en una serie de rayuelas flúo con sus piedras mágicas para que los visitantes puedan jugar al aire libre. Los ganadores del juego se llevan a sus casas una rayuela a escala autografiada por la artista. La acción se complementa con un grupo de saxofonistas en vivo y la prtando a los participantes.
Esta obra de arte efàmero y de participación masiva, sello indiscutible de la artista, invita al público a experimentar el arte, la cultura y la ciudad de una manera única y memorable.
En ocasión de estos acontecimientos y por la celebración del Dàa Internacional de la Mujer se presenta en la Place du Palais Royal una obra de participación masiva que homenajea al notable escritor argentino y apela al acercamiento entre ambas ciudades conectando a través del arte los escenarios principales de la novela: Paràs y Buenos Aires.
El Ministerio de Cultura del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, junto a la Comuna Nº1 de Paràs, presentan entre el viernes 7 y el domingo 9 en la ciudad capital de Francia.
Rayuelarte is a creation of the artist's multi-directional Marta Minujàn, in tribute to the 51 years of Rayuelarte, the famous novel by Julio Cortázar, and the centenary of the birth of the great writer.
Rayuelarte, was a success in Buenossists of a series of hopscotch glowing with your magic stones so that the visitors can play in the open air. The winners of the game are carried to their homes a hop-scotch to scale autographed by the artist. The action is complemented with a group of saxophonists in vivo and the presence of Minujàn by encouraging participants.
This work of art is ephemeral and mass participation, hallmark of the artist, invites the public to experience the art, culture and the city of a way that is unique and memorable.
On the occasion of these events and the celebration of the International Day of the Woman presents in the Place du Palais Royal a work of mass participation that pays homage to the remarkable argentine writer and appeals to the rapprochement between the two cities, connecting through art the main stages of the novel: Paris and Buenos Aires.
The Ministry of Culture of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, next to the Commune's # 1 Paris, presented between Friday 7th to Sunday 9th in the capial city of France.
When La Maga, his mistress, disappears, Horacio Oliveira, an Argentinian writer living in Paris, decides to return home to Buenos Aires, in a novel in which the chapters are designed to be read out of numerical order but in a set sequence.
Marta Minujàn (b.1943, Buenos Aires) is a multifaceted artist and a highly emblematic figure of Argentinian art since the 1960s. Hailed as one of the world's greatest pop artists, her work has been shown across continents and in countries all over the globe.
Rayuelarte is a playful and interactive intervention created by pop artist Marta Minujàn in order to honor renowned Argentine writer Julio Cortázar, who wrote a book entitled 'Rayuela.' Minujàn reimagines Cortázar's emblematic literary piece to bring to life an art piece that appeals directly to the participation of the public, for Rayuela is also a popular game played by children ''and some adults'' across the world.
Rayuelarte una creación de la artista multidireccional Marta Minujàn, en homenaje a los 51 aà±os de Rayuela, la célebre novela de Julio Cortázar, y al centenario del nacimiento del gran escritor.
Rayuelarte, fue un éxito en Buenos Aires, consiste en una serie de rayuelas flúo con sus piedras mágicas para que los visitantes puedan jugar al aire libre. Los ganadores del juego se llevan a sus casas una rayuela a escala autografiada por la artista. La acción se complementa con un grupo de saxofonistas en vivo y la prtando a los participantes.
Esta obra de arte efàmero y de participación masiva, sello indiscutible de la artista, invita al público a experimentar el arte, la cultura y la ciudad de una manera única y memorable.
En ocasión de estos acontecimientos y por la celebración del Dàa Internacional de la Mujer se presenta en la Place du Palais Royal una obra de participación masiva que homenajea al notable escritor argentino y apela al acercamiento entre ambas ciudades conectando a través del arte los escenarios principales de la novela: Paràs y Buenos Aires.
El Ministerio de Cultura del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, junto a la Comuna Nº1 de Paràs, presentan entre el viernes 7 y el domingo 9 en la ciudad capital de Francia.
Rayuelarte is a creation of the artist's multi-directional Marta Minujàn, in tribute to the 51 years of Rayuelarte, the famous novel by Julio Cortázar, and the centenary of the birth of the great writer.
Rayuelarte, was a success in Buenossists of a series of hopscotch glowing with your magic stones so that the visitors can play in the open air. The winners of the game are carried to their homes a hop-scotch to scale autographed by the artist. The action is complemented with a group of saxophonists in vivo and the presence of Minujàn by encouraging participants.
This work of art is ephemeral and mass participation, hallmark of the artist, invites the public to experience the art, culture and the city of a way that is unique and memorable.
On the occasion of these events and the celebration of the International Day of the Woman presents in the Place du Palais Royal a work of mass participation that pays homage to the remarkable argentine writer and appeals to the rapprochement between the two cities, connecting through art the main stages of the novel: Paris and Buenos Aires.
The Ministry of Culture of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, next to the Commune's # 1 Paris, presented between Friday 7th to Sunday 9th in the capial city of France.
When La Maga, his mistress, disappears, Horacio Oliveira, an Argentinian writer living in Paris, decides to return home to Buenos Aires, in a novel in which the chapters are designed to be read out of numerical order but in a set sequence.
Marta Minujàn (b.1943, Buenos Aires) is a multifaceted artist and a highly emblematic figure of Argentinian art since the 1960s. Hailed as one of the world's greatest pop artists, her work has been shown across continents and in countries all over the globe.