Art@Site Luciano Minguzzi Monumento all'Arma dei carabinieri

Luciano Minguzzi


Monumento all'Arma dei Carabinieri

Piazza Armando Diaz
Explicit power
Power, energy, and elegancy has Monumento Arma made by Luciano Minguzi. To me some elementes are a little too explicit, like the bowl on the bottom of the work.

Compared with other artworks
Why always in bronze, would Tony Burke say with his Helix Stacked Glass Structure (London, picture 2, more information). The fire that edited the glass still appears to me, and creates a powerful twisting motion.

The artwork Monumento Caduti by Carlo Ramous (Milan, picture 2, more information) has lines and spaces that lie along each other and may slowly move in the wind without a clear focus.

With the powerfull lines of Flamme, Bernhard Heiliger is tellinlg that mankind is versatile, powerful and energetic. This is a wonderful positive artwork (Berlin, picture 3, more information).

While clear lines croak the surface, they become long lines that give dynamism to the artwork Onda Victoria by Franceso Somaini (Milan, picture 4, more information). The artwork has a great power of expression in the transfer of a large number of meanings.
By Theo,
Il monumento, opera di Luciano Minguzzi del 1981, è dedicato all'Arma dei Carabinieri, di cui riproduce lo stemma. La targa ha poi associato nel ricordo il generale Dalla Chiesa, che fu ucciso con la moglie in un agguato mafioso il 3 settembre 1982. Il corpo dei Carabinieri fu istituito nel Regno sabaudo da Vittorio Emanuele I nel 1814, con compiti di polizia civile e militare. Si distinse durante il Risorgimento (quando si fregiò del titolo di Benemerita) e nella II Guerra Mondiale, quando nel '43 rimase fedele al Re e si schierò contro la Repubblica di Salò e l'invasore nazista.

The monument, designed by Luciano Minguzzi of 1981, is dedicated to the Italian Carabinieri, which depicts the coat of arms. The plate is then mapped into memory the Church overall, who was killed with his wife in a mafia ambush the September 3, 1982. The Carabinieri Corps was established in the Kingdom by King Victor Emmanuel I of Savoy in 1814, with the tasks of civil and military police. He distinguished himself during the Risorgimento (when the title had little Worthwhile) and in World War II, when in ' 43 remained loyal to the King and sided against the Republic of Salò and the Nazi invader.