Anna Praxmayer
Monumento della Resistenza
Piazza della Resistenza
My impression is that a work like Monumento Resistenza by Anna Praxmayer with a person and birds, has impact on people who are less familiar with art. This is because the work has some recognizable elements which meanings to be assigned like: running, raised hands, looking up, long hair, birds flying to all directions. This artwork rather expresses a personal or a national victory.
By Theo,
Compared with other artworks
One of the most classic works in honor of the conqueror is a monument like Porta Sempione by Luigi Cagnola (Milan, picture 1, more information). The monumentality is enforced by the size, the experience of being tiny when moving underneath the monument, the use of sustainable materials, the ascending lines that end up onto classic images of warriors of the highest rank that move themselves with horses.
Forming together a column by perfect circles laying portrait and landscape and perfect spherical elements in between: Fontana Camerlata by Mario Cesare Cattaneo (Milan, picture 2, more information). Together with additional elements, the may have meanings like remembrance, positivity, strength, pride. The meanings are so general that it can be interpreted and made concrete in many ways.
Because of the use of modern and colorful materials in Wonderline by Francesco Roggero (Milan, picture 3, more information) the artwork relates to an enjoyable recent event. Because of choice of the bright colors, the limited durability of the material, the reference to practical items like a sail, this artwork refers rather to mundane than to essential topics.
The artwork Amsterdam Thanks Their Canadians by Jan de Baat (Amsterdam, picture 4, more information) refers to the liberation and the first moment of happiness. If it had also been the intention to commemorate the impact of liberation, there would have been made a more monumental artwork.
By Theo,
Il Monumento alla Resistenza è un'opera scultorea del 1963, presente a Sesto San Giovanni, progettata dall'architetto italiano Piero Bottoni in collaborazione con la scultrice polacca Anna Praxmayer. Il monumento si trova nell'omonima piazza della Resistenza, antistante la sede del palazzo comunale di Sesto, città decorata con la medaglia d'oro al valor militare, proprio per il contributo alla lotta per la Liberazione.
Il monumento è un muro figurato in cemento lungo circa 35 metri che si snoda lungo una breve e dolce salita, slanciandosi verso una statua rappresentante la Vittoria. Su entrambi i lati del muro sono rappresentate, con la tecnica del bassorilievo, le alterne vicende della Resistenza dal 1922 al 1945: Oppressione politica, Prigionia, Cospirazione, Resistenza nella città, Resistenza nelle campagne, Caduta del Fascismo, Invasione tedesca, Lager - prigioni - cimiteri, Ripresa delle armi, Resistenza nelle fabbriche, Resistenza in montagna, Vittoria della Resistenza e Pace nella democrazia. I tredici diversi momenti sono raffigurati in forma piana e regolare tramite figure quasi stilizzate, con uno schema tipico, ad esempio, dell'iconografia della Via Crucis. Circa a metà del muro è presente una scultura astratta, in metallo, a forma di reticolo di fili spinati, posta a rappresentare il dramma della deportazione nei campi di concentramento nazisti subita dagli oppositori politici al nazifascismo e dagli operai delle grandi industrie sestesi che avevano partecipato agli scioperi del 1943 e del 1944. All'estremità superiore dell'opera si staglia verso il cielo la Vittoria, che con le mani alzate libera un volo di colombe bronzee. Tutto il monumento è circoscritto da un piccolo prato con siepi e aiuole.
The monument to the resistance is a sculptural work of 1963, in Sesto San Giovanni, designed by Italian architect Piero Bottoni in collaboration with the Polish sculptress Anna Praxmayer. The monument is located in the homonymous piazza della Resistenza, in front of the headquarters of the palazzo comunale di Sesto, a city decorated with the Gold Medal of military valor, for the contribution to the struggle for liberation.
The monument is a long concrete wall figured about 35 yards that winds along a short, gentle slope, rushing at towards a statue of victory. On both sides of the wall are represented, with bas-relief technique, the ups and downs of the resistance from 1922 to 1945: political oppression, Imprisonment, conspiracy, resistance in the city, resistance in the countryside, the fall of fascism, German invasion, Lager-prisons-cemeteries, resumption of weapons factories, resistance Resistance in the mountains, the victory of resistance and Peace in democracy. Thirteen different moments are depicted in flat form and adjust through almost stylised figures with a schema for example, typical iconography of the Via Crucis. About half of the wall is an abstract metal sculpture, in the shape of a lattice of barbed wires, which represent the tragedy of deportation to Nazi concentration camps suffered from political opponents to fascism and big industries sestesi workers who had participated in the strikes of 1943 and 1944. At the upper end of the work rises skyward, that victory with raised hands free flight bronze doves. The whole monument is circumscribed by a small meadow with hedges and flowerbeds.
My impression is that a work like Monumento Resistenza by Anna Praxmayer with a person and birds, has impact on people who are less familiar with art. This is because the work has some recognizable elements which meanings to be assigned like: running, raised hands, looking up, long hair, birds flying to all directions. This artwork rather expresses a personal or a national victory.
By Theo,
Compared with other artworks
One of the most classic works in honor of the conqueror is a monument like Porta Sempione by Luigi Cagnola (Milan, picture 1, more information). The monumentality is enforced by the size, the experience of being tiny when moving underneath the monument, the use of sustainable materials, the ascending lines that end up onto classic images of warriors of the highest rank that move themselves with horses.
Forming together a column by perfect circles laying portrait and landscape and perfect spherical elements in between: Fontana Camerlata by Mario Cesare Cattaneo (Milan, picture 2, more information). Together with additional elements, the may have meanings like remembrance, positivity, strength, pride. The meanings are so general that it can be interpreted and made concrete in many ways.
Because of the use of modern and colorful materials in Wonderline by Francesco Roggero (Milan, picture 3, more information) the artwork relates to an enjoyable recent event. Because of choice of the bright colors, the limited durability of the material, the reference to practical items like a sail, this artwork refers rather to mundane than to essential topics.
The artwork Amsterdam Thanks Their Canadians by Jan de Baat (Amsterdam, picture 4, more information) refers to the liberation and the first moment of happiness. If it had also been the intention to commemorate the impact of liberation, there would have been made a more monumental artwork.
By Theo,
Il Monumento alla Resistenza è un'opera scultorea del 1963, presente a Sesto San Giovanni, progettata dall'architetto italiano Piero Bottoni in collaborazione con la scultrice polacca Anna Praxmayer. Il monumento si trova nell'omonima piazza della Resistenza, antistante la sede del palazzo comunale di Sesto, città decorata con la medaglia d'oro al valor militare, proprio per il contributo alla lotta per la Liberazione.
Il monumento è un muro figurato in cemento lungo circa 35 metri che si snoda lungo una breve e dolce salita, slanciandosi verso una statua rappresentante la Vittoria. Su entrambi i lati del muro sono rappresentate, con la tecnica del bassorilievo, le alterne vicende della Resistenza dal 1922 al 1945: Oppressione politica, Prigionia, Cospirazione, Resistenza nella città, Resistenza nelle campagne, Caduta del Fascismo, Invasione tedesca, Lager - prigioni - cimiteri, Ripresa delle armi, Resistenza nelle fabbriche, Resistenza in montagna, Vittoria della Resistenza e Pace nella democrazia. I tredici diversi momenti sono raffigurati in forma piana e regolare tramite figure quasi stilizzate, con uno schema tipico, ad esempio, dell'iconografia della Via Crucis. Circa a metà del muro è presente una scultura astratta, in metallo, a forma di reticolo di fili spinati, posta a rappresentare il dramma della deportazione nei campi di concentramento nazisti subita dagli oppositori politici al nazifascismo e dagli operai delle grandi industrie sestesi che avevano partecipato agli scioperi del 1943 e del 1944. All'estremità superiore dell'opera si staglia verso il cielo la Vittoria, che con le mani alzate libera un volo di colombe bronzee. Tutto il monumento è circoscritto da un piccolo prato con siepi e aiuole.
The monument to the resistance is a sculptural work of 1963, in Sesto San Giovanni, designed by Italian architect Piero Bottoni in collaboration with the Polish sculptress Anna Praxmayer. The monument is located in the homonymous piazza della Resistenza, in front of the headquarters of the palazzo comunale di Sesto, a city decorated with the Gold Medal of military valor, for the contribution to the struggle for liberation.
The monument is a long concrete wall figured about 35 yards that winds along a short, gentle slope, rushing at towards a statue of victory. On both sides of the wall are represented, with bas-relief technique, the ups and downs of the resistance from 1922 to 1945: political oppression, Imprisonment, conspiracy, resistance in the city, resistance in the countryside, the fall of fascism, German invasion, Lager-prisons-cemeteries, resumption of weapons factories, resistance Resistance in the mountains, the victory of resistance and Peace in democracy. Thirteen different moments are depicted in flat form and adjust through almost stylised figures with a schema for example, typical iconography of the Via Crucis. About half of the wall is an abstract metal sculpture, in the shape of a lattice of barbed wires, which represent the tragedy of deportation to Nazi concentration camps suffered from political opponents to fascism and big industries sestesi workers who had participated in the strikes of 1943 and 1944. At the upper end of the work rises skyward, that victory with raised hands free flight bronze doves. The whole monument is circumscribed by a small meadow with hedges and flowerbeds.