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Georges Jeanclos



Place Stalingrad
Georges Jeanclos, pseudonyme de Georges Jeankelowitsch, ne le 9 avril 1933 a Paris et mort le 30 mars 1997 a Paris, est un sculpteur français.
C'est a partir de 1983 que Jeanclos ajoute a sa signature le nom de jeune fille de sa mere, ' Mosse ', qui disparaît deux ans plus tard, annee ou il reçoit la commande de la refection du tympan du portail de l'eglise Saint-Ayoul a Provins. Il entreprend un voyage au Japon en 1984 qui lui inspire Hiroshima et Kamakuras. Parmi ses oeuvres les plus celebres, on dinstingu en 1986 le portail de l'eglise Saint-Ayoul de Provins1, orne de sculptures en bronze, et en 1987 la grande porte en bronze du ministere des Finances de Bercy. Jeanclos meurt le dimanche 30 mars 1997 d'un cancer. Son atelier etait situe dans le quartier de la Bastille a Paris.

Georges Jeanclos, pseudonym of Georges Jeankelowitsch, born April 9, 1933 in Paris and died March 30, 1997 in Paris, was a French sculptor.
It's from 1983 that Jeanclos adds to his signature the maiden name of his mother, "Mosse" which disappears two years later, when he receives the order for the rehabilitation of the eardrum church portal St. Ayoul Provins. He traveled to Japan in 1984, which inspired him to Hiroshima and Kamakuras. Among his most famous works, we dinstingu in 1986 the portal of the Saint-Ayoul of Provins1 church, adorned with bronze sculptures, and in 1987 the great bronze door of the Ministry of Finance at Bercy. Jeanclos died Sunday, March 30, 1997 of cancer. His workshop was located in the Bastille district in Paris.