Dong-Lak Lim
Point Croissance
Place de la Defense
This steel and bronze sculpture is entitled"Point Croissance" or"Growth Point". It depicts a sprout (perhaps a young tree) emerging from a silver ball..a quarter of which has shifted from the rest of the highly reflective ball. The artist is LIM Dong-Lak and is dated October 25, 2006.
Point Growth, Point croissance est une oeuvre du sculpteur Lim Dong Lak qui fait partie de la serie les Totems poetiques. Creee en 1999, elle represente une jeune pousse emergeant d'un globe d'inox sorte de graine cybernetique. Cette realisation toute en tension poetique melancolique, entre rigueur et fantaisie, equilibre savamment les notions de creation artistique, technique et nature. Devant cette forme vitale dont la surface reflechissante sanime en fonction de la lumiere naturelle et de l'activite de l'environnement, le spectateur peut se laisser aller a une contemplation reveuse.
Assimilee par reflexion a la structure architecturale preexistante, cette jeune plante insolite combine des elements en opposition entre fertilite de la nature et rigueur glacee du metal. Sculpture de bronze et d'inox poli, Point croissance sintegre a son environnement, amenant une subtile symbiose entre les elements, jouant sur la dualite expression de la nature revendiquee par la creation de l'artiste et le travail des architectes, des urbanistes. La courbe de l'element naturel, les sinuosites de l'arbrisseau, couplees a la geometrie de l'inorganique ouvrent un dialogue entre harmonie decorative et organisme pionnier qui n'est pas sans me rappeler la precieuse pousse que Wall-E decouvre sur une planete Terre ravagee par les mefaits de la pollution.
Anime par des fondements spirituels profonds, Lim Dong Lak travaille sans relâche sur l'idee de dualite, de mediation entre les poles extremes de la perception. Chacune des ses oeuvres incarne une recherche d'equilibre entre les opposes, lignes courbes, lignes droites, lumiere et ombre, horizontal et vertical. Sa conception du monde marquee par le Taoïsme, les interrogations sur l'ordre naturel des choses, sur l'univers au-dela de la perception humaine, se traduit par une universalite du vocabulaire plastique volontairement epure. A partir de ce principe de polarite, il developpe la question d'unite et d'achevement harmonieux, de fusion.
Lim Dong Lak, professeur aux Beaux Arts en Coree du Sud, sculpteur emblematique du renouveau de la creation artistique dans son pays et sur la scene internationale est anime par une vision personnelle. Son imaginaire se nourrit de l'observation du monde et de la nature au quotidien. Il cherche a transcender les limites traditionnelles de la sculpture, aller au-dela des stereotypes. Son oeuvre qui allie references classiques et conception contemporaine, donne une impression de plenitude, d'harmonie avec son environnement. Lim Dong Lak utilise differents materiaux, marbre, pierre, bronze, inox dont il capture l'energie vitale avec poesie et vivacite, recherchant l'equilibre entre la lumiere et les ombres. Les formes pures, souples et lisses de ses oeuvres degagent une aura singuliere.
Point croissance, equilibre entre force et fragilite, realise une osmose troublante entre l'oeuvre et le passant qui est implique, absorbe par l'effet miroir de l'inox. La presence de la sculpture est amplifiee par cette dynamique, ce processus vivant de transmission du mouvement. La fusion visuelle apporte une dimension ludique a cette oeuvre, mettant l'accent sur la realite exterieure et l'impact de la realisation sur les environs et ses habitants. Le titre minimaliste et enigmatique renvoie a un univers onirique dont les images fantasmagoriques jouent sur l'anamorphose, la refraction prismatique et les interferences produites par la realite de l'espace. Avec la sculpture Point growth, Point croissance, Lim Dong Lak semble trouver une forme d'apaisement entre l'homme et la nature, l'individu et son environnement.
La sculpture a ete installee a la Defense en octobre 2006 sur le Parvis a l'occasion de l'exposition La Coree au coeur puis deplacee en 2007 vers l'Esplanade Sud au pied de la tour Opus 12 lorsque l'artiste, enthousiasme par l'espace architectural de la Defense, a offert cette oeuvre a l'EPAD (etablissement public pour l'amenagement de la Defense.) La serie d'oeuvres contemporaines exposees dans ce quartier d'affaire forme un veritable musee a ciel ouvert, un musee a la portee de tous, un parcours plein de poesie entre les tours de verre et de beton. Le foisonnement creatif apporte sens et harmonie a l'espace urbain deshumanise.
Translation<br> This steel and bronze sculpture is Entitled"Growth Point" or"Growth Point". It depicts a sprout (Perhaps a young tree) emerging from a quarter of silver ball..a qui HAS Shifted from the rest of the highly reflective ball. The artist is LIM Dong-Lak and is dated October 25, 2006.<br> Growth Point, Point growth is a work of sculptor Lim Dong Lak which is part of the series Totems poetic. Founded in 1999, it represents a sapling emerging from a stainless steel globe kind of cyber seed. This achievement in any poetic melancholy tension between rigor and imagination, skillfully balance the notions of artistic creation, and technical in nature. Given this vital form of which the reflecting surface is animated depending on natural light and activity of the environment, the viewer can indulge in a dreamy contemplation.
Assimilated by reflection to the existing architectural structure, this young plant combines unusual opposition elements between fertility of nature and rigor of the cold metal. Bronze sculpture and polished stainless steel, Point growth into its surroundings, bringing a subtle harmony between the elements, playing on the duality expression of nature claimed by the creation of the artist and the work of architects, urban planners . The curve of the natural element, the windings of the shrub, coupled with the geometry of the inorganic open dialogue between harmony and decorative pioneering organization that is not without recalling the precious grows Wall-E discovers a Planet Earth devastated by the ravages of pollution.
Animated by deep spiritual foundations, Lim Dong Lak works tirelessly on the idea of duality, mediating between the extreme poles of perception. Each of his works embodies a search for balance between opposites, curves, straight lines, light and shadow, horizontal and vertical. His worldview marked by Taoism, questions about the natural order of things in the universe beyond human perception, resulting in universality of deliberately uncluttered visual vocabulary. From this principle of polarity, it develops the question of unity and harmonious completion of the merger.
Lim Dong Lak, a professor at the Fine Arts in South Korea, iconic sculptor renewal of artistic creation in his country and on the international stage is driven by a personal vision. His imagination is nourished by observing the world and nature in daily life. It seeks to transcend the traditional boundaries of sculpture, go beyond stereotypes. His work combines classic references and contemporary design, gives a feeling of fullness, harmony with the environment. Lim Dong Lak uses different materials, marble, stone, bronze, stainless steel which he captures the vital energy with poetry and vividness, seeking the balance between light and shadows. The pure forms, smooth and flexible of his works exude a strange aura.
Item growth, balance between strength and fragility, makes a troubling osmosis between the work and the way that is involved, absorbed by the mirror effect of the stainless steel. The presence of the sculpture is enhanced by the dynamic, living process of transmission of movement. Visual Fusion brings a playful dimension to this work, with a focus on external reality and the impact of the implementation of the surroundings and its inhabitants. The minimalist and enigmatic title refers to a dream world whose phantasmagoric images play on the anamorphic, the prismatic refraction and interference from the reality of space. With the growth sculpture Point, Point growth, Lim Dong Lak seems to find a form of appeasement between man and nature, the individual and his environment.
The sculpture was installed at Defence in October 2006 on the Square on the occasion of the exhibition heart in Korea in 2007 and then moved to the South Esplanade at the foot of the tower when the artist Opus 12, enthused by architectural space of Defence, offered this work to the EPAD (public institution for the development of defense.) The series of contemporary works on display in this business area as a true open air museum, a museum within the reach of all, a full course of poetry between the towers of glass and concrete. The creative explosion gives meaning and harmony to the dehumanized urban space.
This steel and bronze sculpture is entitled"Point Croissance" or"Growth Point". It depicts a sprout (perhaps a young tree) emerging from a silver ball..a quarter of which has shifted from the rest of the highly reflective ball. The artist is LIM Dong-Lak and is dated October 25, 2006.
Point Growth, Point croissance est une oeuvre du sculpteur Lim Dong Lak qui fait partie de la serie les Totems poetiques. Creee en 1999, elle represente une jeune pousse emergeant d'un globe d'inox sorte de graine cybernetique. Cette realisation toute en tension poetique melancolique, entre rigueur et fantaisie, equilibre savamment les notions de creation artistique, technique et nature. Devant cette forme vitale dont la surface reflechissante sanime en fonction de la lumiere naturelle et de l'activite de l'environnement, le spectateur peut se laisser aller a une contemplation reveuse.
Assimilee par reflexion a la structure architecturale preexistante, cette jeune plante insolite combine des elements en opposition entre fertilite de la nature et rigueur glacee du metal. Sculpture de bronze et d'inox poli, Point croissance sintegre a son environnement, amenant une subtile symbiose entre les elements, jouant sur la dualite expression de la nature revendiquee par la creation de l'artiste et le travail des architectes, des urbanistes. La courbe de l'element naturel, les sinuosites de l'arbrisseau, couplees a la geometrie de l'inorganique ouvrent un dialogue entre harmonie decorative et organisme pionnier qui n'est pas sans me rappeler la precieuse pousse que Wall-E decouvre sur une planete Terre ravagee par les mefaits de la pollution.
Anime par des fondements spirituels profonds, Lim Dong Lak travaille sans relâche sur l'idee de dualite, de mediation entre les poles extremes de la perception. Chacune des ses oeuvres incarne une recherche d'equilibre entre les opposes, lignes courbes, lignes droites, lumiere et ombre, horizontal et vertical. Sa conception du monde marquee par le Taoïsme, les interrogations sur l'ordre naturel des choses, sur l'univers au-dela de la perception humaine, se traduit par une universalite du vocabulaire plastique volontairement epure. A partir de ce principe de polarite, il developpe la question d'unite et d'achevement harmonieux, de fusion.
Lim Dong Lak, professeur aux Beaux Arts en Coree du Sud, sculpteur emblematique du renouveau de la creation artistique dans son pays et sur la scene internationale est anime par une vision personnelle. Son imaginaire se nourrit de l'observation du monde et de la nature au quotidien. Il cherche a transcender les limites traditionnelles de la sculpture, aller au-dela des stereotypes. Son oeuvre qui allie references classiques et conception contemporaine, donne une impression de plenitude, d'harmonie avec son environnement. Lim Dong Lak utilise differents materiaux, marbre, pierre, bronze, inox dont il capture l'energie vitale avec poesie et vivacite, recherchant l'equilibre entre la lumiere et les ombres. Les formes pures, souples et lisses de ses oeuvres degagent une aura singuliere.
Point croissance, equilibre entre force et fragilite, realise une osmose troublante entre l'oeuvre et le passant qui est implique, absorbe par l'effet miroir de l'inox. La presence de la sculpture est amplifiee par cette dynamique, ce processus vivant de transmission du mouvement. La fusion visuelle apporte une dimension ludique a cette oeuvre, mettant l'accent sur la realite exterieure et l'impact de la realisation sur les environs et ses habitants. Le titre minimaliste et enigmatique renvoie a un univers onirique dont les images fantasmagoriques jouent sur l'anamorphose, la refraction prismatique et les interferences produites par la realite de l'espace. Avec la sculpture Point growth, Point croissance, Lim Dong Lak semble trouver une forme d'apaisement entre l'homme et la nature, l'individu et son environnement.
La sculpture a ete installee a la Defense en octobre 2006 sur le Parvis a l'occasion de l'exposition La Coree au coeur puis deplacee en 2007 vers l'Esplanade Sud au pied de la tour Opus 12 lorsque l'artiste, enthousiasme par l'espace architectural de la Defense, a offert cette oeuvre a l'EPAD (etablissement public pour l'amenagement de la Defense.) La serie d'oeuvres contemporaines exposees dans ce quartier d'affaire forme un veritable musee a ciel ouvert, un musee a la portee de tous, un parcours plein de poesie entre les tours de verre et de beton. Le foisonnement creatif apporte sens et harmonie a l'espace urbain deshumanise.
Translation<br> This steel and bronze sculpture is Entitled"Growth Point" or"Growth Point". It depicts a sprout (Perhaps a young tree) emerging from a quarter of silver ball..a qui HAS Shifted from the rest of the highly reflective ball. The artist is LIM Dong-Lak and is dated October 25, 2006.<br> Growth Point, Point growth is a work of sculptor Lim Dong Lak which is part of the series Totems poetic. Founded in 1999, it represents a sapling emerging from a stainless steel globe kind of cyber seed. This achievement in any poetic melancholy tension between rigor and imagination, skillfully balance the notions of artistic creation, and technical in nature. Given this vital form of which the reflecting surface is animated depending on natural light and activity of the environment, the viewer can indulge in a dreamy contemplation.
Assimilated by reflection to the existing architectural structure, this young plant combines unusual opposition elements between fertility of nature and rigor of the cold metal. Bronze sculpture and polished stainless steel, Point growth into its surroundings, bringing a subtle harmony between the elements, playing on the duality expression of nature claimed by the creation of the artist and the work of architects, urban planners . The curve of the natural element, the windings of the shrub, coupled with the geometry of the inorganic open dialogue between harmony and decorative pioneering organization that is not without recalling the precious grows Wall-E discovers a Planet Earth devastated by the ravages of pollution.
Animated by deep spiritual foundations, Lim Dong Lak works tirelessly on the idea of duality, mediating between the extreme poles of perception. Each of his works embodies a search for balance between opposites, curves, straight lines, light and shadow, horizontal and vertical. His worldview marked by Taoism, questions about the natural order of things in the universe beyond human perception, resulting in universality of deliberately uncluttered visual vocabulary. From this principle of polarity, it develops the question of unity and harmonious completion of the merger.
Lim Dong Lak, a professor at the Fine Arts in South Korea, iconic sculptor renewal of artistic creation in his country and on the international stage is driven by a personal vision. His imagination is nourished by observing the world and nature in daily life. It seeks to transcend the traditional boundaries of sculpture, go beyond stereotypes. His work combines classic references and contemporary design, gives a feeling of fullness, harmony with the environment. Lim Dong Lak uses different materials, marble, stone, bronze, stainless steel which he captures the vital energy with poetry and vividness, seeking the balance between light and shadows. The pure forms, smooth and flexible of his works exude a strange aura.
Item growth, balance between strength and fragility, makes a troubling osmosis between the work and the way that is involved, absorbed by the mirror effect of the stainless steel. The presence of the sculpture is enhanced by the dynamic, living process of transmission of movement. Visual Fusion brings a playful dimension to this work, with a focus on external reality and the impact of the implementation of the surroundings and its inhabitants. The minimalist and enigmatic title refers to a dream world whose phantasmagoric images play on the anamorphic, the prismatic refraction and interference from the reality of space. With the growth sculpture Point, Point growth, Lim Dong Lak seems to find a form of appeasement between man and nature, the individual and his environment.
The sculpture was installed at Defence in October 2006 on the Square on the occasion of the exhibition heart in Korea in 2007 and then moved to the South Esplanade at the foot of the tower when the artist Opus 12, enthused by architectural space of Defence, offered this work to the EPAD (public institution for the development of defense.) The series of contemporary works on display in this business area as a true open air museum, a museum within the reach of all, a full course of poetry between the towers of glass and concrete. The creative explosion gives meaning and harmony to the dehumanized urban space.