Art@Site Marta Pan Fragment de Paysage

Marta Pan


Fragment de Paysage

TMG Building 2
Hushed Poetry
This artwork shows what humans are capable of: making hushed poetry out of hard material.
Iron laid as a raw material in the earth. Humans have excavated, carved, took, melted this. Now it's perfectly smooth, straight, is reflecting the light.
Marta Pan has made five triangular shapes out of it. Each form consists of two triangular parts that fall apart perfectly. Now I see that the angleness differences. You can watch endlessly the ratios in height, the distances between the triangles. This is an artwork that let’s your brain think about distances, sizes, You can endlessly watch relationships between angleness, heights, the distances between the triangles. This is an artwork that makes your brain think about proportions.
Marta Pan also creates space for feeling. The sculpture is literally silent and is also figuratively standing still and makes me quiet. The input from the environment is reduced by the diffuse reflection on the surface.
Marta Pan makes me silent by Fragment de Paysage.
By Theo,

Verstilde poëzie
Dit kunstwerk gaat naar mijn gevoel over hetgeen de mens in staat is: verstilde poëzie maken uit hard materiaal.
IJzer lag ooit als een ruw materiaal in de aarde. Mensen hebben dit uitgegraven, uitgehakt, meegenomen, om gesmolten. Nu is het perfect glad, recht, reflecteert het licht.
Marta Pan heeft er vijf driehoekige vormen van gemaakt. Elke vorm bestaat uit twee driehoekige delen die perfect uiteen vallen. Ik zie nu dat de schuinten verschillen. Je kunt eindeloos kijken naar de verhoudingen in schuinten, hoogten, de afstanden tussen de driehoeken. Dit is een kunstwerk dat je brein laat denken over verhoudingen.
Ook creëert Marta Pan ruimte om te voelen. Het beeld is letterlijk stil, staat ook figuurlijk stil en maakt mij stil. De input vanuit de omgeving is gereduceerd door de diffuse reflectie op het oppervlakte.
Marta Pan maakt mij stil door Fragment de Paysage.
By Theo,
Pan's sculptures are highly concerned with balance, symmetry, and geometry. She often created her works so that they were site-specific and worked with the surrounding environment.
In 1946 Pan moved to Paris, where she met Constantin Brâncu?i and Fernand Léger. In 1952 she married André Wogenscky, who was a studio assistant to Le Corbusier. Her early sculptures were highly influenced by the architecture of Le Corbusier.
In 1956, Pan created Le Teck, which consisted of two moveable parts. The choreographer Maurice Béjart later created a ballet, also entitled Le Teck, inspired directly by Pan's sculpture. Béjart's ballet was premiered on the roof of Le Corbusier's Unité d'Habitation building in Marseille, France.
Until 1960, all of Pan's sculptures consisted of this two-part construction method, which allowed one piece to be moved, thus altering the work.
Marta Pan (12 June 1923, Budapest - 12 October 2008, Paris) was a French abstract sculptor of Hungarian origin.
There are 38 pieces of artwork on display at TMG including sculptures and reliefs. These works include pieces from famous Japanese modern artists, famous foreign artists, as well as a section highlighting the work of local residents and up-and-coming artists. Be sure to look for these pieces on your visit to TMG.
Location: Outdoor the 1st floor of TMG No.2 Building External Shinjuku - Chuo Park side South side.