El Bocho
Ich vermisse den Siedlungsbalkon
„Ich vermisse den Siedlungsbalkon' – Berlin 2011
Straßenkunst gehört zum Stadtbild und es gibt Städte, wie zum Beispiel London, Tokyo und Berlin, deren Einwohner ihre Stadtkünstler richtig feiern, weil sie sich mit den Werken im Straßenbild identifizieren können. Eigentlich ist es leicht, einen guten Straßenkünstler auszumachen. Man kann das gut am Beispiel des aus Frankfurt nach Berlin zugezogenen El Bocho beschreiben. Er sucht sich Berliner Orte aus, an denen er die Betrachter seiner Werke begrüßt, mit „Breakfast in Berlin', „Colour the City', „Berlin', „Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst'. Seine Straßenbilder sind anregend, geben ein gutes Gefühl mit auf den Weg und beschwingen den Schritt des Weitergehenden ebenso, wie sie dessen Gedanken beflügeln. Die Überraschung, auf dem Weg durch die Stadt einem seiner Werke begegnet zu sein, ist nicht zu überbieten. Dabei ist ihm wichtig, durch seine Werke nicht direkt ins Stadtbild einzugreifen, sondern es zu ergänzen und zu verändern: er arbeitet nicht direkt auf der Mauer, sondern bereitet seine Werke auf braunem Packpapier vor, das er nur noch an der richtigen Stelle an Wänden befestigt. Als wolle er sagen, hier kann es schöner sein, die Stimmung gehoben, habt ihr darüber einmal nachgedacht? Und wenn man wieder einmal als Bummler durch die selbe Straße geht, ist das Bild längst fort, aber die Erinnerung daran bleibt.
Street art in the city, and there are cities such as London, Tokyo and Berlin, the inhabitants celebrate their city's artists, right, because you can identify with the works in the street. Actually, it is easy to find a good artist to make out. You can describe the well in the example of the from Frankfurt to Berlin external El Bocho. He searches for places in Berlin, where he welcomes the viewer of his works, with "Breakfast in Berlin", "Colour the City", "Berlin", "I know something You don't see see". His street images that are stimulating, give a good feeling and elate the step of Further, as well, how they inspire his thoughts. The Surprise, to be on the road through the city one of his works is not to beat. It is important to him, through his works, not directly into the city to intervene, but to complement it and to change: he's not working directly on the wall, but prepares for his works on brown packing paper, which he attached only to the right place to walls. As if he wanted to say, here, it can be beautiful, lifted the mood, have you thought about this once? And if you go, once again, as a traveller, by the same road, the picture is long gone, but the memory of it remains.
Als Künstler ist El Bocho heute so revolutionär, wie es Courbet vor 150 Jahren war. Courbet entschloss sich damals, nicht mehr die Welt der Fürsten zu heroisieren, sondern die des einfachen Mannes. Jeder kennt Courbets „Casseurs de Pierres' aus dem Schulbuch, obwohl das Gemälde aus der Dresdner Sempergalerie im zweiten Weltkrieg im Dresdner Feuersturm verbrannte. Courbet hatte die Steinklopfer noch ins Atelier bestellt, als er das Bild malte. Auch El Bochos Werke entstehen im Atelier, sind nicht Ausdruck spontaner Expressivität, sondern expressive Gedankenexplosionen. Er ist wie Courbet ein anteilnehmender Mensch. Ihn lässt die Welt um ihn herum nicht kalt, er holt sich direkt aus seinem Umfeld die Bilder, in denen wir uns als Betrachter wiederfinden. Großstadtthemen, der Alltag, aber ein Alltag, der Sehnsüchte, Freuden und Fragen an das Leben ausdrückt.. El Bocho ist in diesem Ansatz Courbet im 19. Jahrhundert vergleichbar.
Street art in the city, and there are cities such as London, Tokyo and Berlin, the inhabitants celebrate their city's artists, right, because you can identify with the works in the street. Actually, it is easy to find a good artist to make out. You can describe the well in the example of the from Frankfurt to Berlin external El Bocho. He searches for places in Berlin, where he welcomes the viewer of his works, with "Breakfast in Berlin", "Colour the City", "Berlin", "I know something You don't see see". His street images that are stimulating, give a good feeling and elate the step of Further, as well, how they inspire his thoughts. The Surprise, to be on the road through the city one of his works is not to beat. It is important to him, through his works, not directly into the city to intervene, but to complement it and to change: he's not working directly on the wall, but prepares for his works on brown packing paper, which he attached only to the right place to walls. As if he wanted to say, here, it can be beautiful, lifted the mood, have you thought about this once? And if you go, once again, as a traveller, by the same road, the picture is long gone, but the memory of it remains.
Street art in the city, and there are cities such as London, Tokyo and Berlin, the inhabitants celebrate their city's artists, right, because you can identify with the works in the street. Actually, it is easy to find a good artist to make out. You can describe the well in the example of the from Frankfurt to Berlin external El Bocho. He searches for places in Berlin, where he welcomes the viewer of his works, with "Breakfast in Berlin", "Colour the City", "Berlin", "I know something You don't see the lake". His street images that are stimulating, give a good feeling and elate the step of Further, as well, how they inspire his thoughts. The Surprise, to be on the road through the city one of his works is not to beat. It is important to him, through his works, not directly into the city to intervene, but to complement it and to change: he's not working directly on the wall, but prepares for his works on brown packing paper, which he attached only to the right place to walls. As if he wanted to say, here, it can be beautiful, lifted the mood, have you thought about this once? And if you go, once again, as a traveller, by the same road, the picture is long gone, but the memory of it remains.
As an artist El Bocho is as revolutionary as it was Courbet 150 years ago. Courbet not decided at that time, to catalog the world of the Prince of the hero, but of the common man. Everyone knows Courbet's "Casseurs de Pierres" from the school book, though the paintings of the Semper gallery in the second world war, ran in the Dresden fire-storm verb. Courbet had ordered the Stone breakers in the Studio, as he painted the picture. El Bochos works in the Studio, are not the expression of spontaneous expressiveness, but expressive thoughts explosions. He is like Courbet, a compassionate man. It makes the world around him is not cold, he's directly from its environment, the images in which we find ourselves as a viewer again. Big city issues, everyday life, but an everyday life, desires, joys and questions of life expresses.. El Bocho in this approach, Courbet in the 19th century. The century is comparable.
„Ich vermisse den Siedlungsbalkon' – Berlin 2011
Straßenkunst gehört zum Stadtbild und es gibt Städte, wie zum Beispiel London, Tokyo und Berlin, deren Einwohner ihre Stadtkünstler richtig feiern, weil sie sich mit den Werken im Straßenbild identifizieren können. Eigentlich ist es leicht, einen guten Straßenkünstler auszumachen. Man kann das gut am Beispiel des aus Frankfurt nach Berlin zugezogenen El Bocho beschreiben. Er sucht sich Berliner Orte aus, an denen er die Betrachter seiner Werke begrüßt, mit „Breakfast in Berlin', „Colour the City', „Berlin', „Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst'. Seine Straßenbilder sind anregend, geben ein gutes Gefühl mit auf den Weg und beschwingen den Schritt des Weitergehenden ebenso, wie sie dessen Gedanken beflügeln. Die Überraschung, auf dem Weg durch die Stadt einem seiner Werke begegnet zu sein, ist nicht zu überbieten. Dabei ist ihm wichtig, durch seine Werke nicht direkt ins Stadtbild einzugreifen, sondern es zu ergänzen und zu verändern: er arbeitet nicht direkt auf der Mauer, sondern bereitet seine Werke auf braunem Packpapier vor, das er nur noch an der richtigen Stelle an Wänden befestigt. Als wolle er sagen, hier kann es schöner sein, die Stimmung gehoben, habt ihr darüber einmal nachgedacht? Und wenn man wieder einmal als Bummler durch die selbe Straße geht, ist das Bild längst fort, aber die Erinnerung daran bleibt.
Street art in the city, and there are cities such as London, Tokyo and Berlin, the inhabitants celebrate their city's artists, right, because you can identify with the works in the street. Actually, it is easy to find a good artist to make out. You can describe the well in the example of the from Frankfurt to Berlin external El Bocho. He searches for places in Berlin, where he welcomes the viewer of his works, with "Breakfast in Berlin", "Colour the City", "Berlin", "I know something You don't see see". His street images that are stimulating, give a good feeling and elate the step of Further, as well, how they inspire his thoughts. The Surprise, to be on the road through the city one of his works is not to beat. It is important to him, through his works, not directly into the city to intervene, but to complement it and to change: he's not working directly on the wall, but prepares for his works on brown packing paper, which he attached only to the right place to walls. As if he wanted to say, here, it can be beautiful, lifted the mood, have you thought about this once? And if you go, once again, as a traveller, by the same road, the picture is long gone, but the memory of it remains.
Als Künstler ist El Bocho heute so revolutionär, wie es Courbet vor 150 Jahren war. Courbet entschloss sich damals, nicht mehr die Welt der Fürsten zu heroisieren, sondern die des einfachen Mannes. Jeder kennt Courbets „Casseurs de Pierres' aus dem Schulbuch, obwohl das Gemälde aus der Dresdner Sempergalerie im zweiten Weltkrieg im Dresdner Feuersturm verbrannte. Courbet hatte die Steinklopfer noch ins Atelier bestellt, als er das Bild malte. Auch El Bochos Werke entstehen im Atelier, sind nicht Ausdruck spontaner Expressivität, sondern expressive Gedankenexplosionen. Er ist wie Courbet ein anteilnehmender Mensch. Ihn lässt die Welt um ihn herum nicht kalt, er holt sich direkt aus seinem Umfeld die Bilder, in denen wir uns als Betrachter wiederfinden. Großstadtthemen, der Alltag, aber ein Alltag, der Sehnsüchte, Freuden und Fragen an das Leben ausdrückt.. El Bocho ist in diesem Ansatz Courbet im 19. Jahrhundert vergleichbar.
Street art in the city, and there are cities such as London, Tokyo and Berlin, the inhabitants celebrate their city's artists, right, because you can identify with the works in the street. Actually, it is easy to find a good artist to make out. You can describe the well in the example of the from Frankfurt to Berlin external El Bocho. He searches for places in Berlin, where he welcomes the viewer of his works, with "Breakfast in Berlin", "Colour the City", "Berlin", "I know something You don't see see". His street images that are stimulating, give a good feeling and elate the step of Further, as well, how they inspire his thoughts. The Surprise, to be on the road through the city one of his works is not to beat. It is important to him, through his works, not directly into the city to intervene, but to complement it and to change: he's not working directly on the wall, but prepares for his works on brown packing paper, which he attached only to the right place to walls. As if he wanted to say, here, it can be beautiful, lifted the mood, have you thought about this once? And if you go, once again, as a traveller, by the same road, the picture is long gone, but the memory of it remains.
Street art in the city, and there are cities such as London, Tokyo and Berlin, the inhabitants celebrate their city's artists, right, because you can identify with the works in the street. Actually, it is easy to find a good artist to make out. You can describe the well in the example of the from Frankfurt to Berlin external El Bocho. He searches for places in Berlin, where he welcomes the viewer of his works, with "Breakfast in Berlin", "Colour the City", "Berlin", "I know something You don't see the lake". His street images that are stimulating, give a good feeling and elate the step of Further, as well, how they inspire his thoughts. The Surprise, to be on the road through the city one of his works is not to beat. It is important to him, through his works, not directly into the city to intervene, but to complement it and to change: he's not working directly on the wall, but prepares for his works on brown packing paper, which he attached only to the right place to walls. As if he wanted to say, here, it can be beautiful, lifted the mood, have you thought about this once? And if you go, once again, as a traveller, by the same road, the picture is long gone, but the memory of it remains.
As an artist El Bocho is as revolutionary as it was Courbet 150 years ago. Courbet not decided at that time, to catalog the world of the Prince of the hero, but of the common man. Everyone knows Courbet's "Casseurs de Pierres" from the school book, though the paintings of the Semper gallery in the second world war, ran in the Dresden fire-storm verb. Courbet had ordered the Stone breakers in the Studio, as he painted the picture. El Bochos works in the Studio, are not the expression of spontaneous expressiveness, but expressive thoughts explosions. He is like Courbet, a compassionate man. It makes the world around him is not cold, he's directly from its environment, the images in which we find ourselves as a viewer again. Big city issues, everyday life, but an everyday life, desires, joys and questions of life expresses.. El Bocho in this approach, Courbet in the 19th century. The century is comparable.