Berlin Art@Site Patricia Pisani Memorial to the Victims of Nazi Military Justice

Patricia Pisani


Memorial to the Victims of Nazi Military Justice

Die Murellenberge, die Murellenschlucht und der Schanzenwald sind eine in der Weichseleiszeit entstandene Hügellandschaft in Berlin-Ruhleben im Bezirk Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. Sie gehören zum Nordband des Teltow und sind Naturschutzgebiet. In den Bergen befindet sich das Mahnmal Denkzeichen zur Erinnerung an die Ermordeten der NS-Militärjustiz am Murellenberg der Künstlerin Patricia Pisani aus dem Jahr 2002.
The Murellenberge, the Murellenschlucht and the Schanzenwald (german for: Murellenhill, Murellenravine, Sconceforest) are a hill-landscape from the last gacial period in Berlin-Ruhleben in the district Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. It is part of the Teltow-Plateau at its northside in Berlin. In the hills there is the memorial Denkzeichen zur Erinnerung an die Ermordeten der NS-Militärjustiz am Murellenberg (german for: Thought-Signs to commemorate the victims of Nazi military justice at Murellenberg), created by the argentine, in Berlin living, artist Patricia Pisani in 2002.
Next to the administration building there is a burial ground for 117 soldiers who were shot dead between August 21, 1944 and February 13, 1945 in the Murellenberg Mountains and who were accused of "decomposing military strength". To commemorate these and other people murdered there by the Nazi military justice system, the artist Patricia Pisani installed the memorials in memory of those murdered by the Nazi military justice system on Murellenberg in 2002 . Adjacent to these graves are 28 sacrificial graves of prisoners murdered in the Sachsenhausen, Dachau, Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Ravensbrück concentration camps.
106 traffic mirrors on the Murellenberg in Berlin's Westend district commemorate those shot by Wehrmacht execution commandos. Between August 12, 1944, and April 14, 1945, Wehrmacht units executed at least 230 soldiers, who had been sentenced to death for desertion or for »undermining military strength«.
Victims of Nazi military justice are people who were convicted by military courts (including field courts and alternative courts ) during the Nazi era . The judgments against certain groups of victims were overturned very late; advocating rehabilitation was a lengthy process.
Patricia Pisani is a contemporary artist. Patricia Pisani is a Argentinian female artist born in Buenos Aires (AR) in 1958.