Art@Site Architects NOS Moving Dunes Montreal

Architects NOS


Moving Dunes

Musee des Beaux-Arts
Standardization is important in the design of a road. The color of the surface indicates which users can make use of it. The lines give the boundaries: the side of the road, the end of the road, the beginning of a different path. Unexpected obstacles needs to be avoided or surrounded with cautions.
Moving Dunes is apparently not designed by a road engineer. This artwork has a different color, has elevations; this color and shape makes me think of a desert. You don't expect a desert in the heart of a city.
Which symbols can we recognize and what could they say? A shining ball can point us to unity, your centre, your deepest desire. Arabian stories show that treasures, ghosts, miracles in the desert can refer to your heart's desire.
What could these sand dunes and shiny balls mean to us? The sand dunes could break down my day to day patterns en help me to open up for new ideas.
The shiny balls could have a big impact. As a symbol of unity they can inspire us to find unity in opposites like masculinity versus femininity, the another versus ourselve, active versus reflective.
To reach the sense of unity we should overcome ‘bumps’ in our patterns. Moving Dunes by NOS Architects could be symbol of this development.
By Theo,

Bij het ontwerpen van een weg is standaardisatie belangrijk. De kleur van het wegdek geeft aan welke weggebruiker hiervan gebruik kan maken. De lijnen geven begrenzingen aan: de zijkant van de weg, het einde van een weg, het begin van een andere weg. Onverwachtse obstakels moeten vermeden worden of moeten omringt worden met waarschuwingen.
Moving Dunes is blijkbaar niet door een verkeerskundige ontworpen. Dit kunstwerk heeft een afwijkende kleur, heeft hoogteverschillen; dit is een kleur en een vorm die mij doen denken aan een woestijn. Een woestijn verwacht je niet in het centrum van een stad.
Welke symbolen kunnen wij herkennen en wat zouden zij kunnen zeggen? Een glimmende bal kan ons wijzen op éénheid, aan jouw kern, aan jouw diepste verlangen. Uit de Perzische verhalen blijkt schatten, geesten, wonderen in de woestijn kunnen verwijzen naar je hartewens.
Wat zouden de duinen en de glimmende ballen voor ons kunnen betekenen? De duinen zouden mij uit mijn dagelijkse patroon kunnen halen en kunnen zorgen dat ik open sta voor iets nieuws.
De glimmende ballen zouden een grote impact kunnen hebben. Zij kunnen symbool staan voor eenheid en ons inspireren om eenheid te ervaren in uitersten als mannelijkheid versus vrouwelijkheid, ander versus onszelf, actief versus beschouwend.
Om het gevoel van eenheid te bereiken dienen ‘hobbels’ overwonnen te worden in je patronen. Moving Dunes van NOS Architects kan symbool staan voor deze ontwikkeling.
Door Theo,
For moving dunes, NÓS referenced the plastic approach of cubist painters who questioned the role of perspective in visual representation. In particular the concept of anamorphosis, which is the distortion of the subject reconfiguring itself according to the position of the body in space. Through this process, the public installation introduces to the public the essence of this approach playfully. By manipulating the street surface, large ripples are generated, recalling the features of a body or a face.
Through a combination of curvy lines and sand-toned colors, moving dunes invites guests to move around the installation and observe how carefully-placed reflective spheres and geometric shapes amplify the patterns and multiply the points of view. as the observer moves, the street transforms, shapes are reversed, and the ground comes alive. Among the challenges encountered were the development of a concept in relation to the theme of the exhibition, the activation of a pedestrian pulic space while allowing the passage of emergency vehicles, and the creation of an experience with high media impact on a limited budget.
Along the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, sandy drifts swell and surge in a massive mural by the Canadian architecture firm NÓS. Aptly named 'Moving Dunes,' the anamorphic artwork is comprised of neutral-toned lines that undulate along the walkway, creating a deceptive path mimicking deserts and beaches. Chrome spheres sporadically appear along the street in order to reflect the surrounding architecture and rippling patterns on the ground.
By manipulating the street surface, large ripples are generated, recalling the features of a body or a face. Reflective spheres and geometric shapes amplify patterns and multiply points of view. As the observer moves, the street transforms, shapes are reversed, the ground comes alive and destabilizes. Moving Dunes is an experiential mirage in the heart of Downtown Mont Along the way, the passer-by discovers the presence of spheres reflecting the different buildings of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, all unique in their architecture and history. Moving Dunes brings together the real and the virtual worlds and awakens the senses.
The MMFA animated the pedestrian area of ​​avenue Du Musée, which has become a must-see for citizens and tourists alike. The goal was to pedestrianize the street and to create a temporary signature layout. Among the challenges encountered were the development of a concept in relation to the theme of the exhibition, the activation of a pedestrian public space while allowing the passage of emergency vehicles, and the creation of an experience with high media impact on a limited budget.
Each year, Montreal’s Musée des Beaux-Arts (MBAM; montreal museum of fine arts) calls for proposals for an ephemeral installation on the avenue de musée. This year’s winner is Canadian design fho has created moving dunes, an experiential mirage that extends from the museum’s current exhibition, from Africa to the Americas: face-to-face Picasso, past and present.
La firme NÓS Architectes rassemble des créateurs dotés d’expertises diversifiées et complémentaires autour de projets communs. Propulsé par un esprit résolument contemporain, chaque projet se présente comme l’occasion d’inventer un milieu de vie unique et à la mesure de ses usagers grâce à une proposition audacieuse, réaliste et intégrant les particularités d�